Legal advice

Legal Warning

This portal, owned by de Asociation of Merchants and Industrials of Preciados, Carmen and Adjacents (APRECA) with NIF G-28669943, Street Abada nº2, 28013 in Madrid, phone 91 52258 74, is constituted by the web pages asociated to, offers content and comercial services on-line, provided by its asociates.

The user is the only responsible of the use it makes of the services, content links and hipertexts including in the present web page. APRECA is not resposible of the illegitimate use third parties could do with the mentioned material.

Not APRECA or any other party involved in the creation, production or supply of this web page will be responsible of damage, costs, losses or direct responsabilities
nor indirect or punitive incidentals that could be made by the access or use of this web page.

APRECA does not guarantee exact material content in this web page, and wont be resposible of damage or viruses that could infect your computer or other properties of yours due to the use or acces to telecharge of any material of the web.

Intelectual and Industrial property

The portal design and source codes, as well as its logos, brands and rest of distintive signs that appear in it belong to APRECA or its associates and are protected by the corresponding intelectual and industrial property rights.

All texts, images and the rest of the content included in this web page are property of APRECA  and its associates. Any transmission, distribution, reproduction or total or partial storage of this content, must have a previous written approval, unless it is stated otherwise. It is expressly prohibited, in any case, the reproduction, copy, public communication, distribution, manipulation and any other way of use, of the whole or part of this web page or any of its content, without the express witten authoritation of APRECA.

Content responsabilities

APRECA is not responsible of the legality of third parties web pages from wich you can access the portal, nor responds to the legality, content or any other aspect related with other third parties web pages, wich could be vinculated from this portal.

APRECA reserves its right to perform changes in the web page without previous warning, to maintain up to date its information, adding, modifying, correcting o eliminating published content or the web page design.

APRECA will not be responsible of the use third parties could make with the published information in the portal, nor the damages suffered or economic losses that, directly or indirectly, produce or could produce economic, material or data harms, provoked by such use of information, as well as its accuracy.

Applicable law

The applicable law in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of any of the terms that conform this legal warning, as well as any other question related with the services of the present portal, will be the spanish law.